The Yaroslavl district population as of 01/01/2006 was 51,100.
The district area is 1,923.7 sq. km.
The administrative centre is Yaroslavl. Presently there are 7 rural and 2 urban settlements on the district territory.
The history of the Yaroslavl district is closely connected with the history of the whole Yaroslavl region. Its appearance as an independent administrative unit dates back to the year 1777 when the government reform was executed by Ekaterina II and the Yaroslavl region started to be ruled by governor-general, A.P.Melgunov, famous enlightener of that time. On August 3, 1977 the Royal decree of Ekaterina II sealed the suggestion of A.P. Melgunov that uyezds on the province's territory should be established among which was the Yaroslavl uyezd too. In the XIX century it was divided into 18 volosts (districts).
In 1929 the uyezds and volosts were replaced by a division into oblasts, okrugs (counties) and districts. In the summer of 1929 the territory of the Yaroslavl province was included into the Ivanovo industrial region which was divided into 7 industrial okrugs.
The okrugs were divided into districts. They totaled 64 including the Yaroslavl district which was incorporated as a part of the Yaroslavl okrug. Thus, the name "The Yaroslavl district " was first mentioned on June 10, 1929, but on January 1, 1932 seven districts of the Ivanovo Oblast were liquidated including the Yaroslavl one. However, on June 20, 1933 the Yaroslavl district was reestablished as an independent administrative unit.
Such are the administrative-territorial changes which took place in the Yaroslavl region.
The district history traces its roots back to the remote past of the Yaroslavl land. Unique is a wide variety of cathedrals created by gift and hard-work of unknown craftsmen.
More than 500 crafts and trades were mastered by the Yaroslavl peasants but it were weavers and carpenters who were considered the best. Well-matched with the way of life was the strength of character of the Yaroslavl peasant. It can be called keenwitted, sensible, enterprising in labour where so much taste, skill and observance is revealed in modest architectural monuments of the settlements and villages.
In Soviet times the history of the district was closely connected with the history of the Oblast and Russia. Kolkhozes (collective farms)were created, new settlements were built.
The Yaroslavl cow breed, renowned pages in past and present life of "Gorshiha" kolkhoz and other farms entered the history of the Soviet agriculture.
The district economic potentialities are diverse and interesting
The district economic foundation is agriculture. Agri-food production specializes in dairy, pig and chicken farming, grain, potato and vegetable cultivating.
In 2005, the agriculture total output made up 954 million rubles which is 118% to the level of 2004. There is a noticeable growth of cattle head in the district.
The Yaroslavl district is one of the leading ones in the Oblast. It is here where the agricultural potentialities of the region are concentrated. It is from here that the milky rivers flow into dairy factories of the Oblast's centre and the capital. The average milk yield per cow makes up nearly 5,000 kg per year. The best pedigree cattle-farms are also located on the territory of the Yaroslavl district. Roads are being built, facilities in schools and medical stations are being renovated to improve quality of life in villages.
The main agri-food production enterprises are the following: the "Gorshiha", "Grigoryevskoye", "Molot", "Sever", "Kurba", "Yaroslavka", "Pahma", "Mikhailovskaya".
The Yaroslavl cow breed entered the history of home agriculture. The Yaroslavl cow breed is well-shaped, of black satin kind. It has a white head with "black-coloured glasses", legs with white "stockings", a white brush at a tail's end, a typical Yaroslavl "shirt". Its milk yield makes up 5,000 liters per year, the milk fat amounts to 4,29%.
The "Gorshiha" pedigree cattle-farm staff specializes in growing "Elite record" pedigree cattle breed which milk is rated first-class.
Manufacturing sector
Among the large industrial enterprises it is worth mentioning the "Krasnye Tkachi" JSC (terry manufactured goods), "Stroykonstruktsiya" JSC (ferroconcrete items, ready-mixed concrete), "Yaroslavl tractor repair plant" CJSC (repair and maintenance of tractor-combine engines, electric motors, tractor units and assemblies, production and reconstruction of spare parts), the "Yaroslavl machine-assembly plant" CJSC (polyethylene film, oxygen cylinder refuelling), the "Zavolzhskye constructional materials" Ltd. (silicate brick, gas silicate blocks).
In 2005, the volume of dispatched domestically produced goods and works and services accomplished by their own strength in the Yaroslavl municipal district amounted to the following figures according to the activities: "processing manufacturing" - 520 million rubles, "electricity, gas and water production and distribution" - 267,9 million rubles which is 2.4 times more than in 2004.
The public roads' stretch amounts to 513,7 km, with hard-coated roads constituting 410,96 km (80% of total road stretch of the district).
There is "Tunoshna" airport functioning in the Yaroslavl district which was created on the basis of the former military airport.
The airport capabilities provide an opportunity for organizing cargo and passenger transportation from the neiboughring oblasts - the Vologda, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Tver.
The airport and its technical characteristics attract foreign airline companies' interest. After the presentation of the "Tunoshna" airport in the international " Cargo club" of air carriers in FRG, it was made a member of this organization. Business contacts with a number of airports in FRG have been established and are developing (Frankfurt am Main airport, Koсhstadt airport in Shneidlingen).
Being a modern airport, it is fully ready to receive passenger and cargo internal and international air carriages by regular as well as charter flights.
Investment potential
1. Infrastructure development. In 2006 the construction of a new cultural and entertainment complex has been started by the "Global Invest" investment company on the territory of the Karabiha rural settlement which will allow for increasing the assortment of high-quality services provided to the district inhabitants.
2. Agriculture and agri-food processing.
Small business development.
The advantages of the Yaroslavl municipal district:
— Convenient geographical location with closeness to the largest consumer markets (Yaroslavl, Moscow).
— Developed infrastructure and transportation system of the district including aviation, rail, water and motor-car communications.
— Beautiful natural landscape of the district territory, its ecological purity.
— Being the most powerful agricultural district in the Yaroslavl Oblast.
— Two large sport parks, "Podolino" and "Izgib", being located on the district's territory.
— The "Skokovo" domestic solid garbage dump available.
— Spare lots for construction available, with service lines supplied including:
-owater supply,
- ogas.
The nature of the Yaroslavl district is beautiful and unique. Forest and water funds of the district account for 20,3% of the total district territory (with forests making up 19,2%, rivers and lakes -1,1%). Among them there are a lot of nature reserves and conservated native zones.
The Yaroslavl district is rich in architectural monuments. The most rare among them are the Joachim and Anna Church in Luchinskoye settlement erected on the open place, the hill top between the Moscow and Kostroma highways. The cathedral is supposed to be perceived from a medium and far distance. Now it is being reconstructed with the help of the district's Administration. Interesting are the monuments of the Seslavino settlement - the Christmas Church, the Kazanskaya Church, the Church of Our Lady Christmas in Tunoshna, the Resurrection Church in Krasnoye selo.
The largest historical and cultural monument of the district is the museum-estate of N.A. Nekrasov in Karabiha settlement, known all over Russia. The history of this settlement traces its roots back to the remote past. Already in 1684, there in the patrimony of the Golitsyn counts, there was built a five-domed Church of Our Lady Kazan which hasn't survived up to now. Later the Karabiha estate was founded there by order of Golitsyn by an unknown architect.
The museum was established in 1946. It is situated on the territory of the historical and cultural monument, the N. A. Nekrasov estate.
Today it is a unique monument of the Yaroslavl Oblast, a good example for studying Russian estate history. Nekrasov loved those infinite vast expanses spread at the bottom of the Karabiha mountain, enjoyed hunting with the Yaroslavl peasants, listening to their unhurried stories by a camp-fire. There is a school that marked its 100th anniversary in 1996 that was named after Nekrasov. Since 1968 the Nekrasov poetry festivals have been held annually in the Karabiha settlement.
There are other museums, holiday hotels, recreational centres, restaurants, among which the most attractive are the following:
"the Regional Studies department - the "people's museum" of Marshall, the Hero of the USSR, F.I.Tolbukhin, at the Central Library of the Yaroslavl municipal district.
— the "Yaroslavl" holiday hotel (on the bank of the Kotorosl river).
— the "Krasny Holm" holiday hotel (on the bank of the Volga river).
— the "Iceberg" club (with a bar, restaurant, dance-floor, billiards, sauna).
— the "Belkino" camping (Alpine-skiing centre featuring mountain-skiing, snowboard, paintball, bar, sauna, lodging).
— the "Tai-Shan" cafe (authentic Chinese food, exotic dishes, Chinese gift-shop).
Administration of the Yaroslavl municipal district
150003, Z. Kosmodemyanskaya St., 10a
phone +7 (4852) 72-13-19,
fax +7 (4852) 25-32-79
The Head of administration of municipal district
Andrey Vladimirovich Reshatov